Oak Class

Welcome to Oak’s Class Page


Oak Class is taught by Miss Wilkie and is supported by Mrs Rossall. 

We have children who are in Year 5 and Year 6 within the class.

Oak class have been learning to create an augmented reality poster in computing lessons. Their posters are about growth mindset, our school values and zones of regulation.

We used chatterpix to create the audio and visual clip. This was uploaded into eyejack creator. This created the image and QR code.

How to view the AR poster

  1. Open eyejack app (free to download)
  2. Scan the QR code in eyejack
  3. Then hover your device over the image to view the AR poster

Congratulations to the year 6’s who completed their SATs during Summer 1, they demonstrated fantastic resilience. We celebrated this with lots of fun activities such as baking and mocktail making. In science this half term, the children were learning about evolution and looked at the work of Charles Darwin. When he was on the Galapagos Islands he studied the Galapagos Finch and how their beaks had evolved to eat the seeds on the island. The children carried out their own investigation using sweets and different items to represent the beak. In music the children were very enthusiastic at creating their own musical theatre scene, and in PE they demonstrated amazing teamwork with partner balances in gymnastics.

Oak class have had an amazing half term in Spring 2. We started with our food DT topic where the children each designed and made their own soup. They then used this experience to write their own set of instructions based on the soup recipe for English. In science, the children investigated the human body by making blood and poo! We have had some fantastic PE lessons playing badminton, and demonstrated great determination with the climbing wall. Some children have also started swimming lessons and had an adventure day at Winmarleigh.

During Spring 1, the children in Oak have carried out a variety of different learning with lots of practical opportunities. We investigated light in science including creating shadow puppet shows. Continuing the theme of light, the children made mini world light boxes in art as part of their brave colour project which were very effective. We looked at natural disasters in Geography and created volcano eruptions. Combining our PE and computing, we completed a variety of fitness challenges then input the data onto a spreadsheet and used a formula to find out the average scores.

In Autumn 2, the children produced some great information pages about sea creatures in English and really enjoyed reading our novel The Boy in the Tower. They created math quizzes in computing for our younger children and made their own beautiful fabric advent calendars in DT. We looked at climate change in geography and the children made a model of a climate friendly school, and in science the children investigated if yeast is a living organism with an experiment to check if it respires. We have been very proud of the wonderful kindness and teamwork they have shown during social sessions this half term including whilst scaling the climbing wall!

During Autumn 1, the children in Oak class have had great fun learning about Ancient Egypt. We went through the mummification process with dolls and set up a tomb to crawl into and excavate artefacts from so we could describe them to each other to catalogue just like Howard Carter’s team! We continued the Ancient Egyptian theme in our English lessons by reading Secrets of a Sun King and the children produced some great explanation texts. In art, the children worked on turning 2D drawings into 3D sculpture and have also really enjoyed learning to blend colours with watercolour paintings. We have some very talented artists in class!