Hazel Class


Welcome to Summer term!

What an exciting half term we have ahead of us! This half term Hazel class will be exploring lots of new topics and learning all about life during the Stone Age. We will be developing our green fingers with learning about Plants in Science. There are also lots of fun activities that will be happening across the whole school throughout the half term. 



Hazel class has had a few changes in class ready for this half term. We are now joined by the lovely Miss Edwards who will support the children in their learning. We continue to have Miss Moorhouse helping out as well. 

Here is the newsletter for this half term. 



Welcome to Hazel’s Class Page

Hazel Class is taught by Miss Hunter and is supported by Miss Watson and Mrs Moorhouse.

We have children who are in Year 2, 3 and 4 within the class.

Hazel Newsletter Autumn 2


Autumn 1

What a fun filled first half term we have had back in Hazel class! We have enjoyed exploring light and learning all about shadows and making different shapes. We have worked hard on our sentence writing and have been trying hard to form our letters correctly. 

In History, we took ourselves back in time compare the seaside then and now. We created our own Punch and Judy puppets and recreated the show that would have seen all those years ago. 

Hazel Newsletter Autumn 1