Maple Class
Welcome to Maple Class 2024/2025
Maple Class will be built up of children from Year 4, 5 and 6. Our class target for the first half term will be ‘One voice and listen respectfully‘. All the children will have personised individual targets. However, the class target will build a strong supportive bond within a positive learning environment!
During Autumn Term the adults supporting the children in Maple will be:
Mr Holt -Class Teacher
Miss Bzainia -Teaching Assistant
Miss Elderton – Teaching Assistant
Below is a half termly newsletter which gives you a glimpse of some on the amazing learning we will be carrying out during Autumn 1.
Home Reading
Each child in Maple will be provided a home reading book and a reading record. We understand how busy we all are. However, reading is the foundation for learning and just 5 minutes in an evening can make such a massive difference to your child! Please can both reading book and reading record be returned to school daily so the children can have the opportunity to change their book in our wonderful reading area within class! An exciting class home reading challenge will be set with the children within the first days of returning after the Summer holidays which I will share on Class Dojo!