Elm Class

Welcome to Elm Class!

Elm Class is taught by Miss Bradbury and is supported by Miss West and Mrs Turner. We currently have children who are in year 1 and year 2 in our class.

At the heart of our class ethos is building positive relationships between children and staff to enable them to express themselves freely, listen to others, and discuss their thoughts without judgement. We want every child to feel valued and that their voice is heard. We support the children in Elm Class to flourish, with a strong focus on them becoming independent learners where the children are confident enough to facilitate their own learning. We truly believe in our ethos and that we are a ‘Can-Do’ class where mistakes are ‘ok’, and it is a vital part of our learning.

Our aim is to provide a learning environment where children can explore freely, build on their strengths, and develop their understanding of familiar and new concepts. We understand that we all have unique learning styles, so we try to provide a variety of learning formats that meet individual needs. Our learning is taught through individual and small group sessions where we provide opportunities for exploratory learning with a tailored approach to suit everyone. We have a heavy focus on developing children’s social skills and their understanding of the world around them; by teaching them strategies that can be used both in and out of the school environment.

Another key element to our curriculum is providing ‘play and learn’ opportunities where the children have the chance to learn through play; this is linked to their more formal learning, as a further curriculum enhancement. The provision that is provided is there to enhance key learning and skills through a carefully planned curriculum that promotes a love of learning. The ‘play and learn’ opportunities are based upon a variety of ‘sensory’ practices and theories to enable the children to develop these key elements of their personal development.

Welcome to the Summer Term!

Summer 2:

During the Summer 2 term we are learning lots of exciting things and we are focusing on:

  • Maths –  The four calculations, 2D and 3D shapes, Geometry, and Measures (capacity and volume).
  • English – We are continuing with our challenge for Elm this half term, where we will be trying to learn a new poem a week. We are focusing on using and applying our Phonics to our reading and writing too.
  • Science – We are looking at ‘Plants’ this half term.
  • Geography – Our current topic is ‘The Four Seasons and food (including weather)’.
  • DT – We will be looking at ‘Food’ in DT this half term.
  • Computing – We will be looking at ‘Animated characters’ using Chatterpix.
  • PE – We will be looking at Invasion this half term.
  • Music – We will be looking at ‘Pitch and Tempo’.
  • RE – Christianity (Church) – How might some people show that they ‘belong’ to God?


Summer 1:

During the Summer 1 term we are learning lots of exciting things and we are focusing on:

  • Maths – Number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, measures – mass and weight.
  • English – We have a new challenge for Elm this half term, where we will be trying to learn a new poem a week. We are focusing on using and applying our Phonics to our writing and reading too.
  • Science – We are looking at ‘Animals including humans’, and ‘Plants’ this half term.
  • Computing – We are looking at using ScratchJr to create a Robot Maze.
  • PE – We are looking at Athletics this half term.
  • History – Our current topic is ‘Toys in the past’, where we will be focusing on looking at ‘How are my toys different to the toys of older people?’.
  • RE – We are looking at Hindu Dharma – What do Hindus believe about God? One God in many forms, God in all things, expressing ideas about God.
  • DT – We are looking at Mechanisms.
  • Music – We are looking at Timbre and Rhythmic patterns.


Autumn 1 (2023 – 2024) Newsletter – Elm